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0498 668 207


My Way PT Pty Ltd
6 Lake St, Eden NSW 2551

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Posture Correction


We all have muscle imbalances in one way or another. It is important to identify these imbalances and apply exercises that will assist correction. This is done by strengthening the muscles that are weak, to get them activating the way they should, while also stretching the areas that are tight. Many people have back pain and sometimes this pain could be related to a muscle imbalance in a different area of the body. For example, the back pain could be related to incorrect footwear, causing the tightening of muscles that ultimately causes back pain.

Corrective exercise focuses on getting your body back into balance before diving in and building a strength-based exercise routine. If there are certain muscle imbalances not addressed before beginning an exercise routine, you may be at a greater risk of injury. It is important to be screened so that imbalances can be identified, and the information gained by your trainer can be used to design a suitable exercise program, involving exercises that help correct these imbalances.

Here is our progression in assessing a new client:

1. Client Assessment - Assessing feet, knees, hips, lower/upper back, shoulders, & neck.

2. Program Design - A unique individual program is designed based on the assessment information.

3. Personal Training - Muscle conditioning. Core Strength. Goal-focused training. 

4. Reassessment Every 6 Weeks - This helps identify progressions and where additional attention is required.

Mobility is important to the way our bodies move. If we are restricted in our range of motion, we are limited in the exercises we perform. As your trainer takes you through your assessment, they will be looking to identify your restrictions in movement and muscle imbalances. 

If you have foot, knee, hip, shoulder, back, or neck pain, we can help you identify the underlying issues and put an exercise routine in place, getting you on the right track to a healthy, active lifestyle. Give us a call!